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Emulator Transfer Utility/36

ETU® File Transfer Utility
for the IBM® System/36 or IBM I (AS/400)

ETU File Transfer Utility from Trilobyte
Systems is a software package that provides
file transfer between your IBM Midrange
Host and your PC or Macintosh® computers.
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ETU® File Transfer Utility  for the IBM®  System/36 or IBM I (AS/400)

   ETU File Transfer Utility from Trilobyte Systems is a software package that provides file transfer between your IBM Midrange Host and your PC or Macintosh® computers.

   ETU File Transfer Utility from Trilobyte is a fast and easy way to transfer data between an IBM System/36, Advanced Series 36, or AS/400 and DOS, Windows, or Macintosh platforms. Computers can be connected either locally or from remote locations.


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